Bikes for Madagascar

Bikes for Madagascar

by Sam McNeill -
Number of replies: 0

Bikes for Madagascar – you may have heard about it on the radio. Can you collect a few bikes to help us out? 

The first day of bike collection was on 15 August and received 103 bikes! Now, to make the shipment worth it, we need at least another 250 bikes.

We have only a couple of weeks left in which to fill their container (see details below) so if you can help by donating a bike that would be FANTASTIC!

We are after adult mountain bikes, in good or repairable condition (i.e., no rusty or broken frames). We can also send hybrid bikes to Madagascar, as long as they have 26 inches wheels.

Collection period: Now until the end of August.

Collection point: St Andrew’s College.

Please contact Dave Neilson if you would like to drop off a bike at StAC:

Dave Neilson
ICT Office
Work: 03 940 2092


More information can be found on our web page:


And on Facebook (please like/share our page):


It seems like a very good cause and maybe a great way to free up some space in your garage at the same time!